Caregiver Support and Home Visiting Programs
Early Head Start
The Early Head Start program serves eligible families beginning at pregnancy up until a child turns three years of age. Families receive weekly home visits, developmental screenings, and access to health and nutrition specialists. Center based childcare and family events are available. Early Head Start provides inclusive settings for children with delays or disabilities. Special services are available for teen parents.
Nurturing Parenting
Nurturing Parenting is a family centered home visitation and parenting support program serving families with children birth to 17 years of age. Home visits and group sessions encourage nurturing behaviors and positive child/parent interactions through meaningful connection opportunities with other families. Nurturing Parenting is available to any family in Fremont County.
Nurse Family Partnership
Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is a nationwide, free, voluntary program for low-income, first-time mothers. Nurse Home Visitors offer program services to mothers and their children throughout all six counties of the San Luis Valley, plus Fremont and Custer counties, and serve clients who are currently seeing area providers. Program services begin in pregnancy and proceed until the child’s second birthday.
NFP provides mothers and their families (as desired or appropriate) with important education by nurse home visitors. The program has three primary goals:
Improve pregnancy outcomes by helping women improve behavior related to substance use, nutrition and prenatal care.
Improve child health and development by promoting responsible and competent care of children.
Improve parent’s life course by promoting prevention of subsequent unintended pregnancy, completion of education, finding employment, and strengthening support systems.
Nurse home visitors work with families on:
Personal health
Environmental Health and Safety
Quality of Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers
Maternal Life Course Development
Formal and Informal Support Systems
Please call 1-833-350-1113 for more information.
Parents as Teachers
Parents As Teachers helps parents understand child development and connects them to free resources to help make the best decisions for their families. Parents As Teachers offers personal visits customized for the needs of each family.
For ages 0 - 3*
Each visit we:
Look at child development and talk about parenting challenges
Think about family dynamics impacting child behavior and parenting values and decisions
Build strong protective factors to keep the caregiver, the child, and family health, strong and resilient
Contact us! 719-601-6334
Services available in Spanish
Fremont County Family Center
This Center for families includes support for health and nutrition, development, early education, and other programs. The Fremont County Family Center organizes free playgroups for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, offers parent support options, and provides child passenger safety seat inspections. In partnership with Early Childhood Mental Health specialists the Family Center serves families of children with social-emotional concerns.

PIECES - Partners in Early Childhood Education Services
Through community collaboration between the ECHO Council and the Fremont County Department of Human Services, the PIECES program refers all age eligible children, presented to the Child Protection Team, for an ECHO Screening.
Strong collaborative referral networks ensure families quick access to the services they need. After an ECHO Screening qualifying families are connected to early childhood programs such as Early Childhood Mental Health, Early Intervention, Preschool Special Education, Head Start, or others suited to the family and child needs.