Council Partners
ECHO works at the center of a community-wide partnership dedicated to supporting families and giving the youngest children a strong start.
Our partners include providers of early care and learning programs, health care and mental health, family support, parent education, primary caregivers of children under 5, and other interested partners.
Formalized partnerships with the organizations on this page allow ECHO and Family Center Early Childhood Council to coordinate and sustain a comprehensive system for local children and families.
Our Partners
St. Thomas More Hospital \ Centura Health Integrated Early Childhood Mental Health
Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments
Community, Parent, and Business Members of the Council
Chris Henager, Director Fremont County Head Start
Mary J. Cline, Social Worker
Kathleen S. Kennedy, Early Childhood Professional
Megan Merry-Numsen, Parent
Debbie Wolfe, Educator
Brianna Davis, Parent
Dee Stubbs, Business Representative, Dee’s Pace