Mental Health
Mental Health Begins at Birth
Just as we nurture children’s physical health, we must also support their mental health.
Everyone has mental health — even babies!
We work with our partners to provide our community’s youngest children with access to high-quality and nurturing early childhood experiences that intentionally support children’s social-emotional development during the critical early years. ECHO & Family Center Early Childhood Council also collaborates to ensure parents and families can get the mental health support they need to thrive.
Crib to Kindergarten: Early Childhood Mental Health
This collaborative program is designed to support social-emotional health for children and their families. Crib to Kindergarten supports parents to build even stronger relationships with their children to address challenging behavior and support healthy development.
Crib to Kindergarten provides a team of support for children’s mental health. A child might be referred to the program if he or she is not eating or sleeping well, has a problem establishing relationships, has a parent who is depressed, or for other social-emotional issues or family circumstances.
An organization, child care program, health care provider, or a parent can refer a child to the Crib to Kindergarten program. The ECHO Screening can also get families connected.
Mental Health Integrated into Pediatric Primary Care
A full-time early childhood mental health specialist is on staff at the St. Thomas More/Centura Health pediatric practice. This individual is part of the Early Childhood Mental Health Referral Hub and helps to ensure coordination of all the services a family may need, including health, mental health, and other community support.
The Early Childhood Mental Health Referral Hub, which is facilitated by ECHO & Family Center Early Childhood Council, coordinates regularly to funnel all of the referrals that come from a variety of community-based providers and programs.
In this way, we ensure that every door is the right door for a family to receive support. The Early Childhood Mental Health Referral Hub manages every referral in our community so that no family in need of support falls through the cracks.
Perinatal Mental Health & Maternal Wellness
Pregnancy and the first year after giving birth are a time of huge changes in a family’s routine. Some feelings of worry and anxiety are normal. But if you or someone you love is feeling extreme worry, sadness, anxiety, or depression, there may be something more serious going on.
If you or someone you care about needs support, you can call or text the Postpartum Support International (PSI) Helpline at 1.800.944.4773.
You can also connect with a Colorado PSI volunteer, who can help you find a professional near you with experience treating perinatal mood disorders. Fill out this brief form and a PSI volunteer will contact you.
You are not alone and you are not to blame. Help is available. You will get better.

Lessons Learned from Behavioral Health Integration
Learn how the systems-building project to integrate mental health into primary care in
Fremont County has resulted in lasting benefits for children, families, and providers.
With funding from LAUNCH Together Colorado, this community came together
to create a stronger system of support for social-emotional wellness and mental health.
Nurture Children’s Social-Emotional Development
Colorado's Early Learning & Development Guidelines
Tips to support learning and healthy development, birth to age 8. Use the information in the guidelines to turn everyday activities and interactions into opportunities to help children learn and grow!
Evidence-based information about child development and early learning, including a broad variety of topics such as how to manage challenging behavior, brain development, trauma and stress, temperament, sleep, and much more.