Child Care & Preschool
Local Child Care and Preschool Providers
Find a current list of all licensed child care providers in our community including preschool and programs that offer care for infants and toddlers.

Child Care Resource & Referral
Children First supports families to find child care in 11 Colorado counties, including Fremont.
Click below for the online child care search, or call 719-549-3411.
Access Support to Pay for Preschool
High-quality preschool programs in our community serve children ages 3 to 5 and there may be support available for families to help pay for preschool.
Beginning in 2023, Universal Preschool will be available to all Colorado families.
Contact ECHO for information about the resources to help your family access high-quality preschool.
The first step in the process is to schedule a free ECHO Screening for your child at which time we will review the community programs your family may qualify for.
Inclusive Preschool Special Education
All three school districts in our community offer inclusive preschool services for children with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). These programs offer services such as speech or physical therapy on-site for children wtih special learning or developmental needs. Learn more and if your child may qualify, contact ECHO at (719) 276-6174.
CCCAP Helps Families Pay for Child Care: Do You Qualify?
The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program — CCCAP — is a program to help families with limited income pay for child care while they work or attend school. A family may be eligible for CCCAP depending on their before-tax household income. Contact our local CCCAP office for more information at (719) 275-2318.